Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Download Rights and Freedoms in the Spanish Constitution (Legal Studies) (pdf) Mar Aguilera Vaqués

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This book oflers an introduction to the rights and Ireedoms in the Spanish Constitution. The overview and discussion is based on the civil, political, economic and social rights recognized within the Spanish Fundamental Charter, as well as the mechanisms established lor their protection. The diflerent chapters discuss current debates and inelude rellections on the challenges that nowadays lundamental rights and lreedoms lace. We live in a global warld, subject to continuous changes which trigger new questions on the rights and Ireedoms that we all hove. While the principies continue to be those adopted in 1978, when the Spanish Constitution was enacted, emerging gaps hove to be lilled. To do so, one must be on the one hand, aware of the value of the supranationol law on human rights and, on the other, of tne interpretotion given to rights and Ireedoms by tne Constitutional Court, the Europeon Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Therefore, the analysis of the Spanish rights and freedoms in this book is defined with such scope and with in these institutional boundaries. This book offers to legal scholars and students.
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